The ACCU: Access to Cultural Heritage: Policies of Presentation and Use” project was part of the EU’s CULTURE 2000 Programme.
The project was coordinated by the Finnish National Council of Antiquities and partners were the Byzantine and Christian Museum (Greece), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Department for the Management of Built Heritage and Environment (Schwerin, Germany), Surrey Museums Consultative Committee (Woking, UK), Fetsund Lenser Industrial Heritage Memorial Museum and Nature Information Centre (Fetsund, Norway), the Finnish National Gallery, and Resource (UK).
The project sought to promote collaboration between cultural heritage management organizations and to provide museum professionals with new tools for handling access issues. The project was aimed at multiple target groups, each of which had different needs (people with disabilities, different age groups, minorities and socially excluded population groups) and sought to achieve its goals by means of publications, events, travelling exhibitions, educational programmes and the creation of a website accessible by people with disabilities.