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Byzantine and Christian Museum :: Temporary exhibitions .::. Previous exhibitions
In the context of the annual icon painting competition organized by the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.), the exhibition «The Resurrection of Jesus Christ» is hosted at the Byzantine and Christian Museum from June 25th to July 22nd 2018, presenting 63 works which participated in the competition, after being selected by an international experts’ jury.
The competition aimed at seeking and highlighting modern visual art expressions and representations of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, based on and inspired by the established forms and styles within Byzantine iconography.
The Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, established 25 years ago, comprises official Parliamentary delegations from twenty-five countries, along with five groups of Parliament Members from other countries. By their actions and initiatives, the Assembly members contribute to the shaping of modern world, on the basis of the experience of Christian, especially of Orthodox, tradition. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a fundamental fact, the core of Christian faith, life and theology. Easter, the mother of all feasts, is the hope and light for millions all over the world, celebrated with the same passion, joy and special splendor by all Christians.
The visual representation of the event of Resurrection holds a particularly important place in the history of Christian iconography.
It should be stressed that IAO’s interest and activity expand to the sphere of orthodox Christian tradition, including that of the Ancient Eastern Churches. Therefore, the term “Byzantine art” should be understood in its broad sense, so as to comprise the ecclesiastical – liturgical hagiographic art of all these people and traditions as well.
Photos: Nikos Mylonas